Citizen scientists are being encouraged to photograph bushfire-affected areas to help UNSW Sydney researchers track the recovery of flora and fauna after the fires.
The Dean of UNSW Built Environment says it’s possible to build more fire resistant homes, but designs need to use best practice principles to be resilient.
Another troubling consequence of the bushfire smoke is its effects on our eyes. But there are some steps we can take to minimise irritation and any risk of longer-term harm.
Large, intense bushfires can pump so much heat into the atmosphere they form their own thunderstorm system. And that can make the weather on the ground even more dangerously unpredictable.
With New South Wales suffering winter bushfires and temperature records tumbling around the globe, Australian leaders in Canberra have picked a bad time to jettison climate policy in favour of political bickering.
UNSW tsunami expert James Goff has co-edited the first textbook to be written on the fire, drought, flooding rains and other natural phenomena that plague the sunburnt country and its close neighbours.
Bronze Age musical instruments and Australia's catastrophic bushfires have inspired Andrew Schultz's dramatic composition for the Sydney Symphony Orchestra's tour of China.